Telephone Counselling
Telephone counselling may feel more familiar than working online as it can happen through your landline or mobile phone. It is also similar to online counselling as it can also happen through a video system with the video turned off if you want to ensure the conversation is encrypted.
An advantage of telephone counselling is that you choose where you want to speak to me and I will be able to pick up your non-verbal communication in the tone of your voice or the pace of your speech. A disadvantage of telephone counselling is that we cannot see each other’s facial expressions and you will need a private room where you will not be overheard.
Telephone counselling offers certain benefits but there are also limitations that are worth bearing in mind when deciding which type of therapy will best suit your needs.
Counselling from your own home
No one will see you entering a counsellor’s practice
You can wear comfortable clothes, sit in your favourite chair, and have a cup of tea or coffee
You can have counselling at a place that suits you
Access to counselling may feel more immediate – you don’t need to travel
Things to consider
Would you prefer to see your counsellor face-to-face or by video?
Do you feel your situation is too complex to discuss on the phone?
If there are no nonverbal cues or body language for you or your counsellor to read, this may lead to misunderstanding. This means I may ask more questions to make sure I understand you.
Do you have a room where you can talk privately without interruption?
Being on the phone for an hour can be uncomfortable. This may also be challenging if you have dexterity difficulties in your hands. Do you have access to headphones? This also helps to minimise any distractions.
What will you do after your counselling session? Accessing telephone counselling may mean you go back to your life without having the chance to think about the session. How would you create a natural break? This could be making a drink, going into a different room, going for a walk, or writing down some thoughts.
To preserve your privacy, I will call you from an unknown number at the time of our session.
I cannot provide security assurances for third party telephone and mobile providers. To be assured of confidentiality, we can talk using Zoom or Microsoft Teams without using the video cameras. I will guide you through setting up a free account.